How does Calgary feel about speakerphones on transit?

In cultures like Japan, this wouldnt fly... at all. Why is it ok here?

I have misophonia, and this is among my most severe triggers.

It sends me into a blind rage and can ruin my whole day. Hypertension, profuse sweating, and being very close to outbursts are totally "normal" reactions. Its no joke.

Misophonia, also known as Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome (4S), is a chronic condition that causes intense emotional or physiological responses to specific sounds. These sounds, or "triggers", can include everyday sounds like chewing, breathing, or pen clicking. People with misophonia may describe the sounds as "driving them crazy" and their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee.

Misophonia is an example of an invisible disability. 🌻🌻. It's not just an "annoyance" like everyone may think.

Before you say, learn to control it. Let me ask you. Do you hear about rampant violence towards people using speakerphones? No. I do control it. It's all there. You just can't see it. You should thank me for controlling it. Would you tell someone having a visible panic attack to just "control it"?

So, dont do this, please. Some people have legit disabilities and your behaviour can really affect them negatively.

Here is a short trailer (2:28) of a documentary about misophonia. If you dont think its a real disability, and dont respext that use of the word, fine. At least respect the people that do. Watch the video. You may learn a new perspective about the world around you.

Quiet Please