I love the New Warzone Update!
This update has instantly improved my life, where I once could sit for days at a time playing Warzone now im actually catching up with some IRL friends i havent caught up with in ages. Been catching up on household projects id been procrastinating on and even have more free time to look at getting back into studying.
Rather than spending money on skins and BPs I've been spending money at bars, clubs and while out with mates.
Where once sunshine just meant screen glare now it means its BBQ time or a good reason to go for a swim at the river.
Really nice talking to people who don't just want to fu*k my mother or who squeal in my ear! Funny that people who you're not shooting at can actually be quite nice.
I really have to thank Trayarch and Activision for recognizing that too many of us were playing FAR to much and now we'll all have to find new pass times. No more vitamin D deficiency for me.