What is the point seriously? Rant
I have completed L1 and L2 but I am seriously struggling to find the motivation for L3 not because I am burnt out from the program but because it has not improved my job prospects in any way whatsoever. I am a non-IM background but have some strong front-office experience and have been applying to the most basic of basic roles in IM for over a year now. Anything with the words "Trainee" or "Assistant" in it I have applied to in the hope of getting my foot in the door. I have reached out to over 1,000 investment directors asking for coffee chats and referrals. But I can't even get so much as a rejection e-mail from HR. This whole thing has ruined me financially. Meanwhile there are people doing the same roles without so much as a degree because pappa goes pigeon shooting with the CIO every weekend. I am middle class and of colour and if I had known there was so much nepotism and discrimination in IM, I honestly wouldn't have signed up to this program. Call me woke or downvote me I couldn't care less but I know for a fact these factors alone have a had a big part to play.
And before those people come in and attack me saying CFA isn't a golden ticket to a job - I KNOW. But if it can't even get you so much as a look in what is the point of investing so many hours into it?? Employers know how much time, effort and money we sacrifice for this program especially those who reach L3 yet they can't seem to appreciate the dedication and passion it shows to work within the industry. It just doesn't seem like a worthwhile trade-off right now. Rant over.