Studying for L1 and feeling really stupid

I’m not a dumb person.. Did well in school, graduated with honors, started working in corporate finance. I watch the Mark Meldrum vids and nothing is coming through to me. I’m only halfway through quant and my exam is in May. Even the stat part I feel stupid. Like, this is high school/college level stuff, and I aced my high school/college stat classes (I thought so strongly that stat was my strong suit that I even considered taking up actuarial sciences). I end up watching the vids and marking as complete even with 60-70% understanding. I do the CFAI LES questions too after each lesson and most questions have me staring blankly at my scratch paper and calculator because I don’t know what to do…

I’ve only been working for a year… Could my brain have regressed this much??? Feeling really sad and demotivated tbh