Cat ate raisins

Hello! I’ve read a few stories on this group about cats eating raisins. We have a relatively new, 2-3 year old rescue cat, who weighs ~5kg.

Over night she ate an unknown number of raisins (my gf left a bag of weird bready snacks out, and with raisins encased in the brioche-type bread). Anyway they were all over the floor this morning, with some raisins scattered and nibbles in the bread. My gf says impossible to know how many she ate, could be 0 could be “up to five”.

The vets say it’s too late to induce vomiting and that the cat would have to have 48 hours in hospital on a drip and having blood taken, which they say is obviously stressful for the cat. Cleo is already nervous having been a rescue.

My inclination is to monitor for a few hours. I’d welcome opinions and advice.

While grateful for advice, I’ve asked a question about a cat before on Reddit and had some aggressive “you must take her to hospital asap” which wasn’t helpful. Last time it was due to sudden vomiting, I took cleo to vet after someone on Reddit freaked me out, and the vet said “you should have monitored her for a few days, she’s fine”! So what I’m asking for here is hopefully stories and advice from people with experience on this subject.

Thank you in advance!