Heavy duty recliners available in US that actually are made to support up to/over 500lbs
I saw a couple of older posts on here that had recommendations for Lane Comfort King recliners. As someone who's had their Lane break and become unusable now for the 2nd time, I'm looking to replace it with something that's actually durable. I was going to contact the company again, but it appears they've gone out of business since I last made a warranty claim with them.
My Google-fu might be rusty, but I'm seeing nothing but ad noise when trying to search for one. I tried to reach out to a site called Fire Station Furniture that came up when searching, but like so many web sites these days, their contact page threw an error when trying to submit a question.
Hopefully someone here has a recent good experience. FWIW, I'm about 410, and my Lane was rated to 500, but it started to creak after a month of use, and broke the first time after about 2 years.
Edit: thanks to those who gave helpful responses. To the teenagers who gratified themselves by stating the obvious that I'm fat: have fun back at school tomorrow.