He Left Without a Word, and I’m Still Waiting…

I can’t seem to move on. The love of my life lost his mother, and after that, he just vanished—blocked me everywhere, cut all ties. I understand his pain, losing a mother must be unbearable, but I worry about him every single day. Our last call was on August 29, 2024, and since then, silence.

I’ve tried everything—talking to friends, flirting with strangers online—but nothing fills the void. Every unknown call makes my heart race, hoping it’s him. I made him a Spotify playlist for his birthday, and now it’s my comfort, looping endlessly. His words, his voice, his laughter—they haunt me.

Sam, if you ever see this, I know you left because you felt empty, but I still had so much love to give you. I miss you. I just wish I knew if you’re okay.

If you ever wonder how I feel, just listen to this song... *Mil ke bhi hum na mile tumse na jaane kyun Meelon ke hain faasle tumse na jaane kyun Anjaane hain silsile tumse na jaane kyun Sapne hain palkon tale tumse na jaane kyun

Kaise batayein kyun tujhko chaahein? Yaara, bata na paayein Baatein dilon ki dekho jo baaki Aankhein tujhe samjhayein*

How do I let go when I still love him so much?