I don’t want him back anymore
I realized today that I no longer want my ex back. It’s only been 3 weeks since we broke up, and I spent most of those 3 weeks wishing he would come back. Today I realized that his actions during the last week of our relationship and after we broke up showed his true colors. The person that I thought he was doesn’t exist anymore. Or maybe it never did. I think I miss being in a relationship more than I miss the person that I was in a relationship with. He is immature and has a lot of growing up to do, but that’s not something that I want to stand by him for. I deserve better than someone who is willing to walk out of my life and come back whenever it’s convenient for them. He never made me feel special or irreplaceable. He never made me feel like he loved me as much as I loved him. I deserve better than that. To everyone out there who feels unappreciated, you deserve better and you will find better. I deserve someone who would never give up on me and someone who wants me in their life as much I was want them in mine.