Love isn't a cure all?
I'm confusing myself more and more but, I am SUCH a romantic, and I used to think that the reason I had any symptoms or problems because of BPD was because I wasn't being loved by someone and I wasn't able to give someone my love back. I spent 2 years obsessing over someone who took advantage of my emotional vulnerability over and over and I always assumed that ALL of my problems have stemmed from this. Now, after having been with my current boyfriend for a little under a year, my problems aren't going away? I love this man so much, and I know that he loves me, so that's not my issue anymore. He supports me and has helped me bring my self worth out of the gutter. He's helping me with so many things, and yet, I've found that after the honeymoon phase wore off that that hole that I have in me that I thought would disappear after I found this is still there. I was starting to think I just didn't love him properly and that it was coming back and maybe I wasn't in love with him anymore, but I'm starting to think now that it never went away, and that initial bliss of finally getting something that I always wanted is wearing off. I still have no idea who I am and I'm still not happy with my life because of my circumstances. I still have a LOT of lingering problems that I believe are tied to my diagnosis. Do I sound crazy? Do I just not love him enough? I can't figure out what this is.