Did you notice how this match is the ONLY kickoff in ALL of BLLK where Kaneshiro hides the formation?

The Manshine City vs. Barcha match is the only match in blue lock history where Kaneshiro hides the formation.

I didn't include PXG because I hit the limit on images, but the formation is there too. And all other games have the formations explicitly or a top down view of the formations except this newest one. Why do you think that is? Additionally, we didn't get salaries for anyone but the number 1 spot this week leaving room for the rest of the list to change. Why do you think that is? AND Nagi and Reo are yapping about not scoring, and just proving themselves and allowing others to score. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?

It's because KANESHIRO DOESN'T WANT US KNOWING WHO'S SECRETLY PLAYING FOR MANSHINE AND ITS GOING TO BE A BIG REVEAL. THE NISHIOKA AGENDA PREVAILS!!(Also, that nishioka drawing I made from a couple weeks ago still holds since Chigiri scored the first goal 🔥🗣️)