Being eliminated is not that bad

Being "eliminated" in the NEL is not that nad and people don't understand it. People who are eliminated and have a bid simply won't play the u20 world cup. They could still play the actual World Cup in the future and they will be fine. Even if they don't get to represent Japan ever again most of them are going to be pros. The only people who are screwed are all the players that didn't get bids except from Neru. Neru already had a team in the JFL although he didn't play in the NEL it's not that bad for him but all the bluelockers Like Akira, yuzu,ishikari,tanaka and shiguma are in big trouble as they cannot be proffesionals and their carrers are officially over unless they find a way to get scouted. So a player not making the top 23 dosenr mean he won't play ever or we won't see him. We could see them in the future in the actual men's team or in a profesional club. So igarashi and kiyora not making it won't be that bad as they still will be pro. Hope this helps to clarify people's misconceptions