What I hope happens betwee man c and barcha

I really hope kaneshiro doesn't give nagi a comeback in this game because it wouldn't feel good tbh( as in winning). Like all nagi did was have a very good game and 2 bad games and another good game. His downfall should be for the whole arc to give him a bigger comeback in the u20 world cup arc. I also hope Reo gets eliminated or close to getting eliminated leading him to awaken his ego. I wouldn't like man shine to win but realistically that's what is gonna happen as otoya and bachira have very good bids but if I was the author here is how I would make the match go. First of all I would Like to see all the bluelockers from both teams completely overtake their original teams leading to manshine only original player being Agi and barcha everyone from the bluelockers takes over. Not just focusing on Nagi and reo but the side characters that are desperately all trying to fight to survive and get in the top 23, which motivates nagi to try harder as this guys who haven't played are given it their all. He would ask reo for help but reo wanting to change would decide to ally himself with other players to make hokself better, wether this players are hiragi or noshioka etc etc. We know episode nagi always goes crazy with side characters so I wouldn't be surprised if this was to happen. My ideal score would be 3-2 to barcha. 2 goals from otoya trough a hikizu aiki assist which would be a throwback to the second selection , and a goal from otoya trough a dafai assist, a callback to the u20s and how players with the same weapon can destroy a team. Then have bachira score the final goal trough an otoya assist to further cement otoya as a dangerous player that could start as lb or lw for the u20 world cup. Have Reo score through a chemical reaction between him hiragi(nagi hybrid), nishioka and saramadara, trough a copy of the kaiser impact and have nagi scoring a goal trough a chemical reaction with chigiri(previous teammate), wanima(he was also left by his brother and chigiri x wanima) and agi. This would be my ideal result however I know this is not gonna happen tho. Enough yapping