Favorite little detail in BES?
I've been rewatching BES indirectly by watching BES reaction videos. Lots of fun! It's a certain kind of thrill when you know surprise gore or a plot twist is coming onscreen that the reactors are not going to be expecting.
Since it is supposedly the reactors' first time watching BES, they tend to talk past or over key bits of dialog and action. On the other hand, I've seen a few things I missed when I watched BES for the first time.
My favorite little detail - the scene of Fowler hearing the news of the deaths of all the Four Fangs. After Fowler kills the messenger, he draws the guy's sword and raises it overhead. Hatchi the Flesh Trader reacts with surprise and shock, but Heiji Shindo has a bored expression as he grabs his goblet and pushes away from the table. As Fowler bisects the table with one blow, Shindo calmly takes a drink from the goblet. I like to imagine Shindo's internal dialog : "Oh, here he goes - *drinks* - now we need a new table, AGAIN."
A much calmer detail - the noodle shop, when Ringo offers Mizu a towel because people's noses get snotty in the cold, and Mizu rubs her nose.
What's your favorite little detail in BES?