Getting tired of Max

Hi there, new watcher here. With a bit of a vent about something that’s been bugging me more and more. See, I’m absolutely loving this show! Everything about it is incredible. Except for one part.

As the title suggests Max is starting to get to me. I hate to say it but I think it’s the acting. I find she breaks my immersion. It always seems like she’s putting on an act. Everyone else has this amazing natural acting and then she’s like the lead in a high school production. It really stands out to me and it’s jarring. Maybe because everyone falls for it or goes along with her despite her obviously doing an act. If I had to hazard I’d say that the effort of the accent is taking her out of the reality of the character. Has anyone else found this about her? Or been bothered by her?

Anyway I’m loving the show. I’m just about to start the third season. Does she get better? Or is she in it less?