BMFS Show Club, Week 8: 12/14/2024

December 14, 2024

Moody Center

Austin, TX

I: Fire on my Tongue > Know it All, Be Your Man, 7 Weeks in County, Happy Hollow, Seney Stretch, My Alice, Bronzeback > Must Be 7 > Hide & Seek, Dust in a Baggie

II: California Sober, Cabin Song, Away from the Mire, Long Forgotten Dream, Leaning on a Travelin’ Song, Don’t Be Calling Me (at 4am), Charlie’s Birthday Breakdown, In the Morning Light, In the Clear, Turmoil & Tinfoil, Red Daisy

E: Gild the Lily

This week’s pick from: u/Joeypwills

“After seeing a very intimate set of almost all covers at Moody Theatre with incredible renditions of Two Soldiers, Shady Grove and Wind and Rain...the boys brought the heat in the arena the following night with almost all originals.

I was fortunate enough to be at the debut of Seven Weeks in County in Nola NYE'23 and to see how that song has matured into a jam vehicle gives me goosebumps every time. Bronzeback > Must be Seven into Hide & Seek was stunning.

Learned that he wrote Long Forgotten Dream in Austin that night and Billy Failing absolutely ripping apart Charlie's Bday Breakdown was a treat. I've never seen a better T&T build up and I'm not sure I ever will get hit that hard again. Gild the Lily for the encore was perfect.

(Fun tidbit: my GF and I met the original 4 on the corner of Canal and St Charles on 12/31/24, and I mentioned how much I loved No Rain > GTL, Billy said it was Royal's idea :slightly_smiling_face: )” - u/Joeypwills

(Re: Show Club - an opportunity for a community member to pick a show for everyone to discuss, share memories, highlights, or reviews. Thanks to everyone that participates, whether selecting a show or commenting!)