Trinitarians making up spontaneous lies after being confounded [Ad hoc rescue fallacy]
I’m reading this book called “Logically Fallicious” by Bo Bennett which contains a list of over 300 logical fallacies.
One I found particularly interesting was the “Ad hoc fallacy”:
Ad hoc rescue
Also known as: MSU fallacy (making stuff up)
“Very often we desperately want to be right and hold on to certain beliefs, despite any evidence presented to the contrary. As a result, we begin to make up excuses as to why our belief could still be true, and is still true, despite the fact that we have no real evidence for what we are making up.” [Bennett, B. (2013), “Logically Fallicious”, page 38]
I’m sure we’ve all experienced on numerous occasions that when we are debating with trinitarians and completely confound their argument, they will resort to making up a reason on the spot to maintain their belief and argument rather than admitting they were wrong.
I thought this will be useful for us to know this fallacy by name so we can point it out to them when we see it. They do this all time and it amazes me when I see it. Besides the whole controversy of the trinity, were suppose to be Christian. Why make up lies to defend your doctrine? Is it not written in Revelation 21:8 that “liars” will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone?