The book of revelation might have predicted how the world will end with feminism.
This is just my personal interpretation and theory of Chapters 17-19 of the Book of Revelation. Please don't take it seriously.
The Whore of Babylon may represent feminism in the final form. It is the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, which in many ways sounds like modern feminism to me. The Whore of Babylon is so strong that women and merchants of the entire earth with many nations and languages are profiting from it, while some are being tormented and [slaughtered].
So, for now, you can't stop feminism. It will grow so strong that the beast she rides has seven heads and ten horns, which represents fallen kings (in my interpretation, probably politicians that endorsed and enpowered feminism [committed adultery with her]).
However, at the end of the day, God will call a stop to it.
Then I heard another voice from heaven say: " ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
for her sins are piled up to heaven,and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
In fact, the Whore of Babylon will be destroyed by God Himself, not by the people she tortured.
After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "Hallelujah!. Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,
for true and just are his judgments.He has condemned the great prostitutewho corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants."
And again they shouted: "Hallelujah! The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever."
So please don't avenge, even if an angel tells you to, for the most powerful one---God---will [avenge on her the blood of his servants].
And she will probably also be eaten in the wedding supper of the lamb.
Until then, please just accept feminism. We can't stop it from growing to the final form. Instead, turn the other cheek and walk the extra mile. Let the feminists have the satisfactions. Be like lamb and let them drink our blood [drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus]. Because we know that, at the end of the day, feminism will be destroyed.
Useful links:
Wikipedia: Whore of Babylon
Book of Revelation Chapter 17: Chapter 17
Book of Revelation Chapter 18: Chapter 18
Book of Revelation Chapter 19: Chapter 19
It is God's revenge on the whore of babylon: Question about the book of revelation
Yielding to feminism: Unpopular opinion: The best course for men is to yield to feminism