remembering old Bellingham pizza places

I moved to Bellingham in 1975 - so I've seen a few local pizza spots come and go.

My favorites that are now kaput:

  1. Sneaky's - in the back corner of the mini-mall across from Yeager's. Next to Ink Drop Tattoo. Used to go here as a young kid and they had one of those perpetual fireplaces in the middle. Dark and moody.
  2. Rico's - full arcade and big ice cream sundaes here. More or less where T&T Nails/UPS store are in Sehome Village fka Bellingham Mall. Many birthday parties here.
  3. Stanello's - originally on 12th across from Mambo Italanio in a space that became cursed for restaurants. They built a fancy new building on the corner of 12th/Donovan which is now Edward Jones and some other businesses. They thrived for a long time, but IMO, the pizza was never as good after the move.
  4. Chichitti's - they occupied the space that Carnal is in now on State, next to the YMCA. Rudy's pizza was in there for many years, too, which was fine and the owner was a good guy. The Up & Up tavern was in between the Y and the pizza place. The thing about this arrangement was that they vented the Chichittis pizza smell into the Up & Up. Man, that was awesome.
  5. Scoreboard pizza. A divey takeout joint on James where Lucky Panda is now - or next to it. Not sure. They had a spicier pepperoni that I loved.

The current mix of local go-to (I just wish everything wasn't so expensive):

  1. Fiamma. fancy, but in my mind, they pretty much own 1st position.
  2. Ovn - great vibe. Really good location.
  3. McKays - I can't get anyone to go with me, but it's an enjoyable pizza
  4. Mambo Italiano - if they're in the mood to make pizza, it's a good one.
  5. Coconut Kenny's on James - creative and yummy. Thicker than the woodstone styles.

What am I missing? Newer ones that came and went - Pizzazza? Fat Pie? Others? Newer ones that I am totally spacing? Storia Cucina?