Beetlejuice video game

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share with you guys that I actually recently saw Beetlejuice 2 and as a BJ can I loved it. And I won’t spoil it for people who haven’t seen it. But I thought it was a great successor to the first. And also as a BJ fan, I personally decided to write a Beetlejuice video game. Main reason of video game and not a 3rd movie is mainly because you know Michael Keaton’s getting older. And I think a lot of people say nowadays say video games are the best way preserve legacy characters. I mean, just look at the new Indiana Jones game coming out, video games in some ways keep our favorite characters and favorite Franchise alive then a movie. So I just decided to go that route with Beetlejuice instead.

And also the video I’m writing is called Beetlejuice: The Moonlight kingdom and empire. And the video game is a prequel that takes place in the 90s and 3 years after the 1st movie. And also the characters from the animated series are in it along with the maitlands and Otho comes back again as a bad guy, but I think because he’s dead now, Otho becomes a lot more evil dangerous. But yeah, I’m not gonna give away completely everything but it’s something working on very seasonally. And the soundtrack has a lot of 80s and 90s music and some 70s music as well. So there will definitely be a good soundtrack and be a throwback video game as well.