So I think my astarion romance has glitched out help???

So yeah i think it somehow got glitched out, let me explain

The first night I did a long rest was after the first encounter with the goblins and finding the druid cove astarion approval wasn't even high and yet at the first night he was stargazing talking about stuff, the adventure already ending once we find a healer, etc and then dropping out of nowhere "hey I trust you and I think you're a great person" I was like what?? usually on the first night, he would say how you wanted to die by his hand?? so why is he being nice to me after the first night?? just saying now his approval of me was in the middle of nowhere close to green, and the next long rest he revealed he was a vampire THE SECOND NIGHT I was like whattttt wait a minute this happened after the third or fourth long rest wtf when it came to progress I was just reaching scratch and meet Raphael but it never happened that quick in EA. On the THIRD NIGHT, he was looking at his reflection and asking me what I see obviously said he was beautiful, the end of the night. So I finally got to Ethel's house met the hunter let astarion kill him then OUT OF NOWHERE AFTER HE KILLED THE HUNTER HE LITERALLY SAYS HEY I KNOW YOU LIKE ME AND I WANNA FUCK YOU WANNA DO IT LATER????? HUH??? WHAT?? IT'S ONLY BEEN FIVE DAYS WHATTA MEAN?? YOU BARELY KNOW ME??? so obviously the whole "sex" scene happens but like it wasn't a sex scene it was just the EA scene but they were naked that's it, and when it was the next day he was talking about the teflings saying we should get back before they ask for more help, whatta mean? WE DIDN'T EVEN SAVE THE TEFLINGS YET. then we finally save the druid cove after like 8 days and nobody wants to sleep with me because astarion already did but when he sleeps with my MC again the screen just fades to black then it's the next yeah

there's a bit more I didn't go over like how he talked about cazedor even though I didn't ask him nor did we meet the hunter so why he brought it up is beyond me, can someone please help me figure out if it glitched out or like something is wrong?? everything with him went by so fast, In EA things went by slower I got to know him better and more organically now in the full release he's like "Oh yeah I trust you 100% and I wanna fuck ya after the first day of meeting" like huh?? it doesn't feel like I earned his trust or even the "romance" part or the sex scene because everything with him happened so damn quickly that nothing we did or even said to each feels natural it makes me not even wanna continue the romance because I'm worried it has fully glitched out or this is how its suppose to be can someone please help?? I BEG