Morning Sickness has hit like a Truck [on]

Ive been feeling nauseous on and off since 4.5 weeks which ive been able to ignore but yesterday (5weeks 6 days) couldnt get through 1 meal and threw up twice. Was waking up nauseous all morning and threw up an hour before my alarm. I then threw up right when i got out of bed and again while getting ready and am curled in bed nauseous again after just calling out of work. I can’t just not work for the next 3 months and i dont know what to do. I commute and im afraid of trying to make a 40-70 min drive without being sick in the car. I havent had an appointment yet they were supposed to call by yesterday but didnt so i’ll have to call today but i dont think i could even get through that right now. While typing this i was asked to join a conference call at 3 and even that feels like a commitment. How do you guys survive this?