Update: Mom in law throwing herself a Grandma shower
Hey Everybody who remembers me posting about how my mom in law stopped helping with my baby shower because she was planning her own “Grandma shower” and didn’t want to invite her friends or family to the actual baby shower because she already planned one for herself. The comments from everyone made me feel less crazy for thinking this is a ridiculous idea. Also the advice I received from you all was really helpful. We ended up having our shower at my parents house an hour away and were able to invite some old aunts. The shower turned out great and I was actually surprised that 3 of my aunts came. Also I did like you guys said and invited my mom in laws friends that were important to my husband even though my mom in law told us not to, making them realize there was actually a baby shower happening. Guess what?!? They all came and supported us and were even willing to drive over an hour to get there! One of her friends even posted on Facebook all the photos from the shower about how much fun she had! And another one of mother in laws friends commented that we didn’t get to invite “oh no did I miss the baby shower?” and my mom in law comments “no you didn’t my grandma shower is next weekend” proving the point that her friends have no idea the mom to be isn’t going to be there at the grandma shower. Apparently she has her grandma shower next weekend so we will see how that turns out 🤷🏻♀️
***Update So mom- in law didn’t post a bunch of Facebook pictures yet of “grandma shower” which is interesting because she posts pictures of everything! I have many mutual friends on Facebook and was sure to post our photos of our baby shower so any mutual friends know it already happened. I did see that one of the friends who she told us not to invite to our baby shower because she would have to choose between her grandma shower and ours was actually out of state this weekend. Looks like she didn’t go to grandma shower after all because she went to ours. I’m obviously not close with mom in law to ask her how it went so if there’s anything interesting I’ll let you guys know.
***Update #2 Mom in laws friend posted a tik tok she made of MILs baby shower. It looks like it was at a friend’s house and there were maybe 10 people there. I’ve met like 5 of them a few times, so I don’t think it would have been abnormal for them to have been invited to the actual baby shower but 🤷🏻♀️. MIL didn’t give us those friend’s contacts because she wanted them to come to her shower and not have to choose but obviously they are her friends. Tik tok features Photo of her being the center of attention with gifts surrounding her. Her friend commented “It was an honor to co- host with ___ and_. It’s a beautiful thing to walk with your friends, hand in hand, through the wonderful stages of our lives. Becoming a grandma is one of those. And because it’s a grandma shower, we had a mimosa bar! Nobody’s pregnant around here!!! 🤣I’m thrilled for _(MIL’s name) to have her baby girl and for her to see her son and daughter in law become first time parents. We ❤️ you!”
My favorite thing about that post was “ nobody’s pregnant here” at a baby shower!!! 🙄 And “I’m thrilled for ____(MIL’s name) to have HER baby girl”
I’m annoyed that her friend called MY BABY… my MIL’s baby girl. Also slightly annoyed that 10 more people would have been able to come to my shower although my shower turned out great and I’m glad I had only the most important people to me there.