The Thing That Made Me Realize I Stim

I just want to start this with saying that I have been on the journey of figuring myself out and am suspecting at the very least Autism.

But the main focus of this post is to talk about how I've realized over time that I stim a lot, with the main thing being my baby blanket I've had since I was like 4 if not younger. When I first got it, there was this tag that I would rub on my mouth all the time because of how smooth it was, so much so to the point it got worn out and fell out. I don't remember the specifics well, but my mom I think modified an end of it to be open so I could reach a smooth part inside, as it is two different blankets sewn together.

Since then I have rubbed that part on my mouth constantly, part of one of the blankets is ripped so now the insides can be reached, but it hasn't really caused any issues. Then like a year ago or so, I began learning more about autism, and especially through I Have Autism, What Now. More recently I watched her 70 ways Autistic People Stim video and realized that I stim a lot more than I thought. I rub my blankets smooth part on my mouth and move the same spot around in my fingers a lot, I cricket, and so on and so forth.

And right now, looking at my blanket is starting to make me sad because there is a giant hole in the smooth section, but funnily enough that is the main way I stim with it using my fingers.

Anyway, I just wanted to share my a story I thought would fit here and with my journey.