Daughter just diagnosed today
My daughter was diagnosed ASD level 1 today. She is 7.5 years old. My mama instincts told me a lot time ago that she was, but it took us a bit to get the diagnoses because she is high masking and very verbal. Any advise on the best way to talk to her about the diagnosis? I'm obviously going to tell her the truth, and that it is not a bad thing. That her brain just functions differently than others, but not wrong. I'm planning on doing it casually. I don't want to sit her down for a serious conversation and make her feel like im giving her bad news. But im not going to make light of it like it's a joke either. She responds really well to books. She reads well above her grade level, but also still enjoys picture books as well as chapter books. Anyone have any other things I should consider when talking to her? Any good books to help her process the information?