Should I be pushing for a diagnosis?
Uk based and it’s usually a couple years to get a diagnosis. My kids are 2 and 3, I’m AuDHD, all my siblings are too in ranging severity. I see some traits in my kids, my 2 year old especially, spends all day spinning round and round, climbing things, endless energy, I don’t think he feels pain, he’s super clumsy, NEVER sleeps, hands are always moving or twiddling or picking something, issues with his clothes (won’t wear socks) he gets super attached to certain things like he’s got a pair of pjs that he’s obsessed with that causes endless meltdowns, today we went to the aquarium and there were patterns on the floor and he wouldn’t walk upright he was crawling and walking on all fours and my 3 year old is quite sensory avoidant, hands over his ears, fussy over food textures, super dreamy and doesn’t always know what he’s doing, can’t follow instructions, lives in his own world, needs strict rules to follow to cope but gets confused and upset when they don’t always apply, really emotionally sensitive little thing. Sorry I feel like I’m rambling a bit here but the big question is, I’m noticing traits as a person immersed in autism but I don’t have a baseline of neurotypical to compare to, my kids aren’t struggling right now, should I be pushing for pathways whilst they’re young or do I just hang back til they’re at school?