
I’m sorry to write again but I’ve been a little sad lately. Finally got a developmental pediatrician appointment for 03/07. Have the teacher her survey. Apparently my 5yo son doesn’t like the reading/writing in school. I have read to him every night since he was born. I practice letters with him. He can read most 3-4 letter words at home. He’s not showing it in school. I originally had a BA in early childhood education before it was a master degrees to become a teacher in NYS, so I went back to school to become an RN. I am still part of some teacher pages and follow some teacher IG pages. So often do I see teachers commenting that the parents assume kids will “learn everything in school” and parents are neglectful at home to promote learning… when I read the teachers report, I think the teacher knows I am trying my best with everything... But I see these posts and think about how people are judging parents even if the parents really are trying their best. I loved reading growing up. My son does go and scream at first and gets upset if he feels like I’m forcing him to read with me, but then he enjoys it and I congratulate him for helping me. I just see a kinder, gentler,smarter boy at home than what he gives to others and I’m so scared that he will be seen as a mean boy who doesn’t want to read or doesn’t have parents who help. I do most of the educating at home because dads fuse is shorter. As I said, I don’t think my son’s teachers genuinely think that we are parents who don’t try to teach him. If I’m at work I’ve come home to dad reading with him too. Math actually comes naturally for my son instead. It just hurts that it’s a strength I have been trying to build with him since birth and it’s such a struggle to show in school and is written down as a weakness. I don’t know how other parents do it. I mean NT parents and parents of NT kids. How to work full time and be healthy, home cooked meals, exercise, socialize, take your kids to sports, etc.