Hospital stay is scaring me, need advice
I know I have to get surgery for this liver tumor, and they have me seeing the founder of the liver cancer clinic (mine is benign but causing symptoms) And for me if I can’t sleep enough, I go absolutely insane. I have sleep apnea and can’t tolerate cpap. When I’ve stayed at a hospital I was extremely angry and I don’t do well mentally because of nurses waking me up. With this surgery, they have to come in and out for different things like making you walk, injecting you with stuff to prevent clots and other things. What do I do about this?
I’ve looked up information and the surgery recovery is 5-7 days, sometimes 10. I respect that nurses do their jobs and I’m not mad at them. Being autistic for me means that I can’t get woken up or I lose my absolute shit if I get woken up more than three times. I have panic attacks and suicidal ideation if I lose sleep. Can the surgeon even know this information? I feel like the medical staff will say tough, you gotta be woken up often. Anyone else been through this?