Anyone else feel you are living a working class life, even though you are not?

We make good money, supposedly "high income" at total combined $370k+ and own our own (modest) home. However everyday feels like a struggle and toll. What are we doing wrong?

Weekdays are long due to the commute, getting home by 7:30pm (we are both pretty low down in our jobs and not going anywhere career development wise - so at this stage it's not like we are doing extra work or studies to climb a ladder). One of us is part time so there is a bit of downtime for them on their days off with the toddler. Weekends are busy with house maintenance tasks and supervising the toddler - never any time for fun and relaxation. Lucky if we get two hours on a Sunday night to relax. I'm so tired of this! I know we could outsource some tasks like cleaning or gardening, but I feel like the ad hoc deep cleaning and maintenance is what takes a long time. Also trying to save for a house upgrade however it feels like we just can't keep up with the market. Our only splurges are an overseas holiday every 1.5-2 years ($15k) and eating out/coffees which totals up to $100 per week for the whole family.