What PA collection are my slippers from?
What PA collection are my slippers from?
I bought some adorable Peter Alexander slippers on Depop recently and I thought they were from the gruffalo collection from early last year/late 2023 but I can’t find them anywhere on Google or Safari. I’ve image searched them and searched for “gruffalo peter Alexander slippers”. They have a tag that says “Peter Alexander” on each slipper and no sole so I know they’re not like cosplay shoes or something. Can anyone help me find the PA collection they’re from?
What PA collection are my slippers from?
I bought some adorable Peter Alexander slippers on Depop recently and I thought they were from the gruffalo collection from early last year/late 2023 but I can’t find them anywhere on Google or Safari. I’ve image searched them and searched for “gruffalo peter Alexander slippers”. They have a tag that says “Peter Alexander” on each slipper and no sole so I know they’re not like cosplay shoes or something. Can anyone help me find the PA collection they’re from?