I LOVE frozen vegetables.
I have almost completely cut out non frozen produce out of my life. I am FINALLY over the internalized shame that I was just being too lazy to cut a fresh onion. If having to cut an onion or not is the deciding factor if I'm eating a meal, HECK IT, I am buying frozen onion.
I can make SOUP so easily. It's just my pot and my freezer full of veggies and can of beans or some cuts of meat and BAM!! SOUP!! No cutting anything!! Just open some bags and tins and SOUP!!! 🍲
Fingers crossed I don't suddenly get an ick for soup. 🤞
Anyways, I just want to tell everyone it is OKAY and sometimes NECESSARY to make accommodations like this for yourself. It's more than okay. It should be encouraged!!! We are all deserving of a happy, tasty meal!!! Don't listen to that nagging voice saying you're lazy for not cutting an onion!!! Go make soup!!!!!!