Opinion : The eren "simp" moment in the end is terrible on a literary level (respectful critique from an ending enjoyer), and why I think this sub very much misunderstands eren's post timeskip character.
First off, I wanna say that while I didn't necessarily love the ending, I understood that this was the only direction the story could take thematically. And I also don't think Eren's character was assassinated in the end.
I hope you guys consider checking out the long critique below lol :
My biggest problem besides the pacing of the ending is how tonally jarring it all is. It especially has to do with the scene where Eren breaks down and cries about Mikasa.
I am of course, talking about this scene :
I don't have a problem with Eren crying here, nor do I with the fact that it was over Mikasa. I have every problem in the world with how it was executed.
On paper, it shouldn't be a problem, because Eren has essentially been deconstructed as a character in the end due to a multitude of factors (guilt, psychological regression, founding titan's powers, death anxiety, etc).
But because of how tonally jarring it is in execution, a lot of people consider it antithetical to how eren's been throughout season 4.
Instead of having that scene feel gradual and earned, and thus powerful, it comes across as something written for comedic relief, which is downright terrible, given the situation they're having this conversation during (a literal genocide).
A lot of people on this sub justify the scene, saying eren was merely acting throughout the season. while I respect other's opinions on the matter, I think this is a horrible take, because the only times eren puts on a persona are :
- During the conversation with Mikasa and Armin
- During the conversation with Zeke in Liberio.
Even then, parts of his demeanor involve his true emotions (disappointment/anger, determination, etc). What makes season 4 eren so compelling is that his transition from victim to monster feels like a natural evolution of his character, and reducing it all to just an act is a gross misinterpretation of his character and shows complete disregard towards his development.
I'm not saying eren's a heartless monster. Far from it. I hate the titanfolk incels who reduce post timeskip eren to a mere psychopathic nationalist self insert character.
But I also take issue with people who reduce his post timeskip character to just an act, and only see eren as a pathetic pookiebear crybaby who never changed from episode 1.
Eren's internal conflict is nuanced, serious and deserved much more respect and care in the end from Isayama. Instead of gradually breaking Eren down and reveal all of his regrets, he basically brought out Eren's vulnerable side in the worst way possible ; he did it for comedic relief.
Not only is this disrespectful to Eren's character arc, but even if it is a deconstructed version of eren, it's written in a way that it essentially disregards his journey from idealistic hothead to a broken perpetrator.
Eren's shown great maturity with regards to his understanding of war and human nature, which is evident in the Marley arc, and that combined with his ruthlessness, made him a compelling and terrifying character.
The reason I'm saying all this is that Eren's breakdown in the end could have been showcased in a way that didn't undermine all of the development he's gone through. Deconstructing a character should NOT be done in a way that goes entirely against what that character is built up to be.
the shift in demeanor eren had from hobo eren, to manbun eren, to paths eren, all felt natural and earned because of how flawlessly it was executed. It was all done while staying consistent with Eren's nature.The subsequent deconstruction of Eren could have also hit much harder, if the breakdown scene wasn't so horribly executed.
It also is horribly out of place, as there is no way there should be a comedic moment inserted during a literal genocide, especially involving the thesis and antithesis of your story's themes (Armin and Eren).
While it would be stupid to consider it character assassination, it highly cheapens every major moment season 4 eren has, which made him terrifying, and as a result, such an effective cautionary tale.
Many people re-watching the show will not feel the same awe they felt witnessing Eren's terrifying moments in season 4, because they know that at the end of the day, his conclusion involves him being a pathetic shell of his former self.
It doesn't matter if the pathetic-ness was the point, it's still a horrible way to deconstruct a character who's supposed to scare you. Eren could have been humanized there without stripping him of the scare factor he showcased throughout season 4.
A great example of a deconstruction done right is Light Yagami from death Note. His death in the end didn't take away from the fear factor he showcased throughout the show. Contrast that with Eren, and the difference is night and day.
Pathetic is the last thing it should be. Eren has been humanized through crying far better in the past (131 being the perfect example), but this is just not it.
Eren's breakdown over Mikasa should have been dealt with care and respect, without making it come across as a cheap comedic moment that completely goes against the tone of chapter 131, which is when the conversation happens chronologically.
Critique over lol