Unpopular Opinion But the Challenge Levels Ruined my Enjoyment of an otherwise perfect Game
The challenge levels honestly weren't to bad at first but some of the later ones where just absolutely brutal. Considering how prevalent checkpoints are in the main levels, it felt really bad to take on some of the longer challenge levels and not even have a halfway checkpoint forcing you to have to do the same repetitive starting sections dozens of times.
I noticed this being especially annoying in 3 levels in particular: Splashing Sprint, To The Beat, and the Great Master Challenge, all of which could have absolutely used a midway checkpoint to make them way less tedious. Even giving us 1 life if we die and spawning us back on a platform would have been a lot more forgiving on those levels. I understand the challenge levels are suppose to be harder than the main game, but these in particular just felt massively out of place compared to the rest of the game which is at it's core a relaxing and creative platformer. At the very least the developers should add a practice mode with either pre set checkpoints or placeable ones so that you can practice the back half of the harder levels without having to redo the starting sections every time.