[Dragon Ball/Dragon BallZ] If Babidi used his spell to take control of piccolo instead of Vegeta, would he have gone back to being “Majunior” or fully Demon King Piccolo”?

Piccolo wasn’t always the nicest of people, I mean his fight with Goku showed that not only did he lack honor but was fully happy torturing and dragging out a fight just to inflict pain. With that said, he has an evil past and could be seen as a potential Majin warrior for Babidi. However, in dragon ball he was treated not as the son of King Piccolo but rather his reincarnation. King Piccolo does refer to him as a son but his position and significance among his children is clearly different. They also explicitly state that King Piccolos “children” are the likes of Drum, Piano, Cymbal, and Tambourine. There’s even a scene where when Majunior confronts Goku before the tournament, we see that King Piccolo is speaking directly through Majunior. My question is if his inner evil was fully restored and amplified would he go back to being his pre Z self in the form of Majunior, or would it be taken to the next level and he becomes his “father”?