Hey middle eastern men, what do you think about female body hair?
Ok this is something I truly cannot go discuss with random men or even relatives to be frank. I am a Saudi Arabian woman. I hate shaving. I don’t shave at all. The reasons are not important. But people always told me how my unshaven body masks a female’s beauty, and how uncivilized unshaven females are. I don’t really care if it was just opinions being thrown around. But there are times when family will coarse me into shaving and made me try to hide my body hair. I only view it necessary to shave when you are in a marriage and both man and woman expect some “grooming” from each other and to look good for one another. And by my society’s expectation, I don’t think I could find a partner that is ok with my unshaved body. Are there men who wouldn’t be bothered by that? I don’t want someone to try to “tolerate” it, but to not care at all.