Not speaking to my bestfriend of 10 years because she said she’s “icked” by me
(30m) So about a month ago I matched with this one woman on a dating app who happened to be 23. I was swiping aimlessly as you do, and we just happened to match. I normally have a 5 year rule and wouldn’t date someone as young as her, but I knew she was friends with my bestfriend and her girlfriend, having recognized her from my bestfriends GFs birthday party. So figured she was cool. We briefly talked, she ghosted me, I moved on, no big deal.
It wasn’t until my bestfriend reach out to me and asked me about it in an accusatory manner, basically saying she’s “icked” that I would match with someone that young or that I would match with specifically her having known her from the birthday party. She was basically trying to paint me out to be some sort of predator and that I would’ve had ill intentions if something came of it. She’s known me for 10 years and knows I would never do anything of the sort. At one point I did have a man whore phase in my late 20s, but I’ve been going to therapy for a year now and have been really making progress to get myself better mentally. I even keep her updated.
Do I accept that maybe I should’ve not talked to this girl in the first place? Sure, but I know I didn’t do anything actually wrong. I haven’t spoken to my bestfriend since. I’m too mad and insulted that she would insinuate that I’m that kind of person. I’m not sure how to fix this or even if it can be fixed. Just one meaningless match on a stupid dating app ruined 10 years of friendship.
Edit: my bestfriend is gay as fuck. Felt like I should make that clear because some of you can’t pick up on context clues.
Edit: Holy fucking shit. Some of you failed high school English because half of you can’t pick up on context clues. MY BESTFRIEND IS GAY. GAY. GAY. GAY.