What do you believe to be true love?
I (25F) completely believe and feel that when you truly love someone, there is no one else you want because no one else compares to them, so how could you still have any interest in/attraction towards anyone else?
Even when I simply really like someone, I’m just not attracted to anyone else anymore. Others could be extremely good looking, yet I wouldn’t feel anything and only think that the one I’m with is so much better. Anyone else is even a turn off. I can only be aroused by and have any sexual feelings for and interest in that one person. I could never imagine myself ever being tempted towards anyone else. I actually tested this, tried to be attracted towards others that I thought were really good looking, but it never happened. I just think they’re good looking (but not as good as the one I’m with), but that’s it. There’s no attraction, no arousal, no interest, … nothing.
When discussing this with others, many people have made me out to be extreme, they made me feel as if something is wrong with me for being like this and wanting the same in my partner. It hurted me and made me scared that I’m doomed to never find anyone that I can be with, as I could never be happy if the other didn’t feel the same way about me.
I just wanted to see wether there’s anyone else out there like me, and if not what the other views are.