We will not close our DMs, learn self control.

There has been some discussion about the lurkers here and unwarranted DMs from those lurkers. Apparently, some believe members should just close their inbox because an open inbox is ‘an invitation’ (or like they say- asking for it), and creeps will message regardless and not read disclaimers. In case you didn’t realise, this argument is the same as saying ‘why does she step out of her house when she knows she will be assaulted. Ask her to stay indoor’. Men are apparently the stronger and the primary gender (as per their own argument) and have such low self control and sensibility? I didn’t think I will need to explain this in 2025, but here I am. It’s not the fault of people who have open DMs, it’s the fault and responsibility of the members who want to seem to put it in just about any inbox (hole). Lack of self control and sensibility is no one’s fault other than the one excercising it. If you are putting the blame of your action on someone else, you have a harassment mindset and you don’t give 2 hoots about consent and you find ways to shift the blame- thats what a criminal does