Women and gossip

I've read some studies saying that men gossip more than women. I may have my own personal biases creeping in my thoughts which I may oblivious to but I can't stop sharing what happened.

Incident - 1 I was part of the organising team of the department fest in my college and in one of the meetings, the head (a woman) asked everyone do we all have any gossip to share about anyone🤢🤮?

Incident - 2 My mother was talking with her friend on the phone and her friend says she is pregnant. My mother runs to the calendar and asks her when did she do 'it'🤮🤢🤮 followingly her friend shares the date and my mother comments something on it and both start giggling like crazy, by then I had started to run away from the room where she was talking at this point and went to secluded place where I couldn't hear her since I never thought my mother would do this and didn't want to hear more about it.

Most of the female friends I had in school used to gossip a lot among themselves and I used to feel very uncomfortable the way they choose to talk about every guy (including me) in the class while gossiping.

Edit - I put out the post dealing with my confusion, not wanting to lean into the sexist tropes while at the same time dealing with the experience of gossiping occurring more among women anecdotally in my life.