Positive subreddits for men - Here are some healthy communities to join!
Hey dear men,
If you’re feeling stuck in unhealthy men's spaces, shifting toward communities that focus on growth, confidence, and mental well-being can be a game-changer.
These subs are 1000x much better where you can mingle with like-minded people.
r/MensLib or r/MensLibIndia – A positive space for men to discuss emotions, masculinity, and personal growth.
r/malementalhealth – Focuses on mental health support for men.
r/therapy - Similar to above.
r/GuyCry - An insanely positive space, all inclusive.
r/Fitness or r/Fitness_India – Helps with health and fitness goals, which can improve confidence.
r/Bodyweightfitness – Home workouts for self-improvement.
r/DecidingToBeBetter – Focuses on personal growth and breaking negative mindsets.
r/selfimprovement – Tips and motivation for improving different areas of life.
r/NonZeroDay – Encourages small, consistent progress in life.
r/socialskills – Helps with improving confidence and communication.
r/dating_advice – Practical advice for dating and relationships.
r/ForeverAloneDating – A dating community for those struggling with loneliness.
Moreover, Indian men can take the initiative to create positive spaces for men not guided by hate of any kind.
P.s.: Got permission to post this.