The audacity

Okay so this is a rant post. I was scrolling on Instagram and came across a reel where someone was telling that how the concept of dowry should not be supported at all.

In the comments someone had the audacity to say "can't say no to free gifts" mind you these are the type of people who cry about "alimony". I know I shouldn't bother myself with these comments but do they even realise how stupid they sound saying that something that's 'illegal' is like a gift to them, won't be a gift anymore when they'll be the one crying behind the bars.

There was another video where a girl introduced herself as a feminist and they guy asked her to 'Define a woman', then continues to interrupt her not letting her complete her sentence. The fact that this is so common in many places where women are interrupted and their opinions are not taken seriously.

It scares me how people will always blame the women and the oppressor roams freely without any guilt. Then people go around saying how feminism is bad. Read the quote some where “When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."

That's exactly what's going on. From hating woman to hating everything they love, take it to be a movie 'barbie' where a slight idea of feminism was shown to 'makeup' saying that woman do that to impress men. When will they realise that everything is not about them?? Continuously talking about 'men' even on 'women's day', and saying that women are more emotional. They cry about suffering in silence when they donot even realise that it's so called 'patriarchy' that's restricting them to talk about their emotions freely. Both genders are suffering and that's mainly because alot of people are brainwashed.

Please ladies feel free to enlighten me if I'm not familiar with anything that I mentioned and tell me how you people react whenever you come across something like this.