Help me make my boyfriend feel like an absolute king
I (24F) want to really spoil my boyfriend (27M) and shower him with all the love. We go out on dates frequently, work out together and work in the same industry as well. Thus, we are constantly helping each other out in terms of support, network, learning and just enjoyment.
I have given him handmade gifts and drew posters for his room which he absolutely adores. He's into gaming and I try to participate in this interest but I can't honestly do much. I have cooked for him a couple of times which he really, really loved. Still raves about it and I am planning on inviting him over to do it again soon.
If he needs something, he'll buy it himself. There's nothing materialistically that he wants as of now and doesn't have. Which is why I am so clueless. He doesn't like travel all that much but is willing to do it with me (not extended time though).
What should I do? Please drop in things that'll make him feel like the most special person in the world and so that he cries for days.
UPDATE : I have read all of your comments and I am grateful to have received inputs from such amazing men. Thanks a lot, I haven't been able to reply to all but I did read and appreciate everyone!
What did I finally do? I'd made a painting which he found really inspiring, he kept it as his wallpaper. I have now gifted him the painting for his room. Wore his favourite dress, took him to have ramen in an anime place. That really sucked btw, we did a detour to have lassi and nimbu shikanji which was deliciouusss. Spent hours together, walking hand in hand, sneaking kisses and talking. It was honestly great!
I also showed him this thread because I am physically incapable of keeping things away from him. He went through a few of the comments and called me Gillette followed by a cheesy line. Asked me if that was a kiss worthy pickup line which it obviously was. Thank you guys!