Govt Job aspirants, who have a background on advance Maths/Science, how easy/hard for us to clear exams like SSC/Bank PO exams ? Do we have a headstart over others ?

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Maybe first you need a background about me to know where I'm coming from. I belong to Physics field. I always wanted to a PhD in Cosmology. So I did my BSc and Masters (in Physics) from a relatively good Uni. But during that period, I got to know who hard it is to survive as a Cosmologist, here in India at least. Obviously first you gotta do your BSc, MSc, then a PhD, which can last for 4-6 years generally. Then you have to do few years of Post Docs to have a real shot at permanent positions in India. And for people who belongs such theoretical fields, the only positions are in Academia (Although one develops computational skills during their theoretical research, people don't wanna change fields to do corporate jobs at that stage of their lives). Even then Academia prefers to hire people belonging to practical fields as their is more funding in those fields. So basically, it's risky to do theoretical science here in India, unless you are exceptionally good. So first, I decided to a PhD in Condense Matter, which has relatively better opportunities, even though my Master's Thesis was on Computational Cosmology. But during my PhD entrance preparation, I realized how much I hate condense matter field. So after goofing off for a year after my Masters (yes I fked up), and failing to clear PhD entrance thrice (happens once every 6 months), then it hit me that I might be so running out of time (for the context, I am the only son of my parents and my father just retired as a govt employee). So now I have decided to first get a permanent Job, have a good source of income, then do a PhD in cosmology (as a part time obviously) maybe later in life. So the obvious option for me right now seems to be SSC.

So here is my assessment on SSC from what I have seen. For Maths, to be honest, the theory part seems like a piece of cake, so much so that, it almost feels like a disrespect to my skills b/c of the level of Maths I used to deal with. As for the fast Calculation part, I am pretty bad and I have to invest a lot of time, as I am used to doing things using Calculator. For Reasoning, it seems OK, feels like I would be good if I just go though the previous year papers, and I am guessing this is the same case for every other aspirant. Now for English, I am not an expert on Grammar but basically I have been consuming media "only" in English since I was a kid, so I would say I have a good comprehension skill. Also I have given few mocks of English, where I would say, I am doing "good enough". It doesn't seem English will take a lot of time for me to prepare. So basically, I have realized I need to invest most of time in preparing GS and the calculation part of Maths (though obviously I'll be going through all of previous year papers and giving mocks).

So here is my issue. As I am 25+ and group c posts have age limit of 27 (I'm UR), am I screwed ? Or do I really have a head start over a majority of Aspirants ? Or this is just a false confidence and I'll be unemployed for 1-3 years like every other fresher in this race ?

TLDR: I have a strong background on theory part of Maths and English. Do I have a headstart/advantage over other Aspirants ? Where it is realistic for me to expect a job within a year if I invest a good amount of time preparing ?