Why do Indians are usually spineless when it's about taking a stand for their love.

In a relationship for merely 6 years and now when it's time to get married, parents won't approve is being used as an excuse. Why do people take their caste as something to be so proud off, why before coming into a relationship the caste thing isn't even considered, why do people want to hurt others feelings. Don't get into a relationship (for that long atleast) if you know your family so well or atleast get it approved by your family the moment you think about getting married. The major reasons for mental health issues and divorces are this -

1) you're making a point that you're being forced in a marriage ( how does that make you an adult to even get married at first place?) Be your parents favourite child for life.

2) you guys would probably go for an AM and then won't even confess your past relationship with your current partner or would make an excuse and play victim , that's how ugly AM are.

3) Most men are now afraid of a marriage (increased suicide cases) , women were already being abused. Why create more broken hearts and expect to have a good life by just creating mental monsters in the world (not everyone is capable of handling the similar situation and is capable of loving again).

4) If you find a partner to stand by your side through thick and thin then probably let parents live seperately even if they won't agree to it ( you think they'd care if you have a worst married life in AM)? Or allow for a divorce even? They'd probably be burnt or buried in 10-20 years maxm.(sorry to sound rude)

5) people start being humans. Just to lie and get involved with someone for your own sake?! life's short if happy but God forbid if you receive your karma, you shall reap what you sow.

6) In the end, be an adult stop spoiling 3-4 lives altogether.

Edit- Thanks to everyone, your perspective really helped me understand my situation better and I realised how many of us have been through something similar (Let's rise and shine). Can't edit the heading, kindly ignore the error

Updated - Got a call after 2-3 months of no contact, turns out the girl he's decided to marry is obnoxious and hard to handle, they barely talk and spend time together and she even abuses him and his parents before the marriage itself, everything that he did with me and made me feel like, he's getting that in return, maybe there's some karma that works. I'm not happy about the situation but I'm glad that he realised who he lost. The worst is he can't break the alliance coz his parents wouldn't approve it.