Possible cancer?
Points to consider: 37F, non smoker non drinker, stage IV rectal cancer survivor in remission for last 2 years.
pain in right breast. Started 2 1/2 weeks ago and has steadily gotten worse. Started like a lightning strike/ electric shock type pain. Now, the whole right breast hurts so bad, constant ache and heavy feeling and has spread into my arm pit. Feels like one big bruise. Also, the top of my skin from my collarbone downward on the right breast feels like a pretty bad sun burn that shoots directly down into my nipple.
purplish/ red splotches showed up about 48 hours ago on the right breast as well. Pictures do not do the actual issue justice. They are a lot more purple in person. They look like how skin looks when you get really really cold, but I am not cold at all and it hasn’t gone away, instead it is getting steadily bigger.
weirdly enough on both breasts huge veins have started to pop out and are protruding super bad. This is the only symptom that includes the left breast as well. One of the veins burst under the skin this morning and a sizable black bruise has pooled.
I think I’m getting that orange peel skin thing people talk about on top and underneath my right breast but I’d like someone to confirm for me because I’m not sure. If it’s not that then the pores on my skin have tripled in size within the same time frame.
my right breast feels considerably heavier than my left and is so uncomfortable. It feels like I’m lopsided though they don’t look like different sizes at this point.
I think it’s worth noting that I have a semi inverted nipple on the right side that has been that way my whole life, but it looks more so than usual and the areola is not as circular as usual. It seems to be losing its shape and color. Also, these small bumps kind of started showed up lately around the areola and yesterday one leaked a drop or two of clear fluid and then stopped. Lastly, I’ve been notice tiny little moles, not only on my right areola, but on the right breast as a whole. In the last week maybe 8 cherry moles have appeared.
I think the last thing that is odd is I have been finding tiny red circles, again only on my right side. They aren’t moles and they aren’t bites of any kinds. I don’t know how else to explain them. They are completely flat to the skin as far as I can tell. They have been random showing up on breast surface.
I forgot to add in my initial post…
Where the purple discoloration is the tissue underneath is noticeably thicker and harder and I feel like that might be important. I have not felt any lumps, but have felt a definite difference in the tissue.
I think that’s it. My oncologist and PCP are working to get me in for a mammogram and ultrasound and I’m going in for blood work tomorrow but until then google and Reddit is all I have. Can anyone give me any insight? I’ll add my latest pictures in comments. Thank you.