Please help me PLEASE!

I’ve made a few posts in here that I’m not sure if they were deleted or not but they’ve went unseen or unanswered so I’d really appreciate any help.

I’m a 36 year old female, I do smoke cigarettes and drink caffeine but I do not drink alcohol, eat junk food, and I’m not on ANY medications or birth control…. who for the past 4 months has had mennorhagia. My cycle was completely normal up until 4 months ago. Now I’m heavy bleeding for 3 weeks at a time and stopping for 2 weeks just to start bleeding again. I’ve went to my obgyn and he did a Pap test testing for stds etc to rule out cervical cancer. I’m still waiting on those results to come back. Not sure why it takes so long as we did that on the 6th. Anyways…

He also ordered a full cbc, metabolic panel, hormone testing, thyroid, and sedd rate. ALL CAME BACK NORMAL except for my RDW, my RDW is slightly high. I’m not anemic as I’ve been tested for that before.

We did a pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound and those came back normal too.

I did have a uti back in November but that cleared up after antibiotics and for the whole month of December I was on antibiotics and steroids for pneumonia. So anything bacterial should be cleared so why am I still bleeding and clotting like this? I do not have a blood disorder. I’m not stressed. This is so strange that everything is coming back normal?

I’m not pregnant.

I thought maybe it was perimenopause but everything looks normal so it can’t be that.

So now all I’m waiting on is my Pap test results … I can’t imagine it being an STD because I’ve been with the same man for 14 years… I mean unless he cheated??? Which I doubt.

So.. what the heck could be going on??? Are there other testing that could be done to rule out cancer??? What other tests should I request????

Please help, I’m going insane and my next appt isn’t until the 19th…