My brain feels swollen like its being squeezed and there is a suction/pressure sensation and a pulsating heart beat on the back of my head i have had only brief sharp pains in the side of my head a couple times intermittently but I’m not in any severe pain just severe discomfort
Should it be safe to take panadol its all i have…what to i do
A few of the symptoms im having is i feel a rush of anxiety and impending doom aswell, fatigue, leg aches, shoulder aches from time to time and just recently had a fleet enema where i have been feeling more short of breath abdominal sensations/pains tenesmus, feeling im bleeding internally or something is wrong draining me of energy etc, dont know if i have an electrolyte imbalance or if my brain is swelling or what i feel horrible Im too fatigued to fully type everything out…
Female 18 164cm 50kg Not taking any medications