Is our current form of government / society sustainable?

Governments and societies have always changed, but we’re at a point where the world looks nothing like what the people who wrote the Constitution could’ve imagined. The internet, global finance, mega-corporations, automation—none of that existed back then. Even just the sheer number of people we have now changes everything. How do we account for that?

We’ve got a wealth gap that keeps getting worse, corporations running politics, a healthcare system that barely works, and a voting system that feels outdated. Thomas Jefferson thought every generation should rethink its government instead of being locked into something built for a different time. That seems pretty relevant right now.

I’m not saying burn it all down, but is this really sustainable? And if not, what would a government that actually fits the world we live in even look like?

Edit: food production is also an issue

Edit2: what is the next form of government once the technological revolution happens? Is it some sort of technocracy or hybrid government or something? That's a big part of what I'm asking in this post along with all the other things.