Is the cinema etiquette I experienced normal?

Hi all!

On a trip to NYC from London, and we went to see Captain America in Times Square (Regal) for release day.

Throughout the movie, people were talking in normal speaking voices amongst each other about the film, and when the scenes got louder, they’d raise their voices so they could hear each other over it. There were some quips being made when there were natural silences in the film too but I think I expected that

People were also scrolling on their phone throughout, recording the movie on their phone and one person was even watching a TV show on their phone throughout the movie.

The sound was loud enough that I could still hear the movie and managed to follow it, but it was quite distracting. Also, from their point of view, if they paid near what we paid ($100 or so for us both inc snacks etc), it feels like a lot of money to waste on a film if you’re not really watching it?

Is this normal? In the UK, it’s mostly quiet as a mouse, even during the credits (until we all leave the room), so I’m wondering if we just got unlucky?