Project WP makes no sense and... no one seems to realize

I've been asked to contribute to a workpackage of a big multi-national project of which a professor of my university is the leader.

My department has zero experience in the topic of the WP. The group who was supposed to lead such WP was found to be fully faking it, they never had what they claimed to have (they claimed to have a fully working GUI software for use by life-scientists with no experience in computer coding already there before the project started... it's been 5 years and they have not been able to show us a screenshot, let alone deliver it).

So the PI, who otherwise is a very intelligent and also straight talking person, went full "how hard can it be"? He hired a post-doc who explicitly said she had zero experience whatsoever on this topic. But it was the only candidate. The papers I read on this topic are generally authored by groups that include experimental biologists, with mathematicians, physicists with experience in complex systems, computational biologists and IT specialists. And a computational system. PI plan was to do everything with a single physical scientists running things with a laptop. No biologists, no one who ever worked on the topic to answer any postdoc question. PI doesn't seem to realize this is a problem.

The postdoc also turned out to be completely incompetent at doing even very basic programming. PI doesn't seem to realize this (zero lines of code written in 14 months).

We are running the code that we downloaded from github from an undergraduate thesis project of a random dude. Whose email doesn't work anymore and which supervisor never worked on this topic and doesn't respond to emails. It's full of blatant coding errors. Whenever I correct one the outcome of the code change wildly. PI sees this every week but doesn't appear to find it concerning.

In november PI said "we did lot of work. Let's write a high impact paper by the end of the month". We haven't submitted it because everytime we run what he asks, he says "doesn't make sense. What if we tweak the model". Which means modifying everything. PI (nor anyone!) doesn't seem to realize that this means that we don't have anything, if we constantly change everything.

And... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I think I'm crazy. How can 4 professors and 5 researchers not realize the same things I'm realizing? Maybe my perception is wrong.

Am I crazy? If not, what should I do?