Anyone else’s APs try to justify their abuse?

I had an argument with my mom and she says her debilitating, dirty insults are just “Indian parenting behavior” and her rude and mean way of talking to me as “just Indian parenting.” She and my father also justify hitting me after “tipping them over the edge” because I “make them hit me” or I “ask for it,” also because “that’s just how Indian parents raise their kids.” They think it’s correct or okay because we’re Indian. I try to argue that it’s not okay no matter what race but they just say, “you’re Indian and that’s just how we’re going to treat you so just deal with it.”

I’d like to clarify that most of our arguments are based off messy rooms, doing chores, studying for the SAT, me losing my glasses, and my sweet 16 which are small things. They end up escalating because my mom starts cussing like crazy and beats me. Like one time we bought an online SAT course and I typed in the wrong email and my mom started cussing me out and screaming like a banshee and started hitting me. I ended up getting the account back that same night. No apology whatsoever!!

Anyway does anyone else’s APs do the same?